Welcome to Parker Sports Medicine & Orthopedics
Parker Sports Medicine and Orthopedics specializes in the surgical and non-surgical care of pain conditions in the orthopedic field. In our facility, we utilize the latest research and technology to deliver the best treatment available for both athletes and everyday folk. Our goal is to help patients restore function and mobility, reduce pain, and ultimately return them back to a life uninhibited by debilitating conditions.
We are very excited to offer our patients Stem Cell Therapy treatments. With Stem Cell Therapy, we harness the body’s innate healing potential to aid in the regeneration and restoration of injured or damaged body tissue. This is a minimally-invasive procedure that utilizes biologics harvested straight from the patient. This means that risk of rejection and infection is extremely rare!
With Stem Cell Therapy, patients no longer have to endure risky surgical procedures or deal with long recovery periods and months of physical therapy. We have helped numerous patients throughout Texas get their lives back with Stem Cell Therapy – will you be next?
If your knee pain just won’t fade, your health care provider may have recommended surgery to reverse the damage. However, there is no reason to resort to that choice before you at least try our non-operative treatments. We have helped many patients throughout North America avoid knee and shoulder surgery & replacement that requires weeks of bed rest and long periods of physical therapy.
Pediatric injuries refer to injuries occurring in children. If you have a child that has suffered an injury that’s causing acute or chronic pain, we would love to help them at our office. It’s important that children seek assistance right away – their bodies are growing at an exponential rate and we advise parents and caretakers to take the preventative approach rather than the “wait-and-see” approach. Set-in injuries may cause larger problems for the child down the road, so it’s better to be proactive in the child’s health care.
Sports injuries are often a combination of cartilage, ligament, tendon, and muscle damage – whether it be a ligament tear or partial tear or a sprain. Don’t let the pain from the injury persist; the longer you wait to receive help, the more damage you may cause to the injured area and the longer it will take for you to get back to the sport you love.